Weddings and Groups Quote Request

How many passengers are travelling within the group? Will the party consist of Children or infants? If so, be sure to note their ages as child ages impact holiday costs

Which UK airport do the passengers wish to travel through? Are they flexible? (for example, would passengers travel through Gatwick if flights through Heathrow are not available?)

Which destination, or destinations would the passengers like to visit?

Do the passengers have a fixed travel date requirement, or are they flexible? If flexible, please provide us with a variation of travel dates

How long the passengers wish their holiday to be. If the passenger is looking to book a multi-destination holiday, how long in each destination do they wish to stay?

Would passengers like to travel Economy, or add a little more comfort with Premium Economy seats, or even First Class!

Do the passengers already have a hotel in mind? If they don't, no problem, we can easily match a hotel to their requirements by understanding preferences such as star rating, board basis, location etc.

How many rooms, and room types would the party require? For example, are the rooms to all be double rooms for 2 adults, or is a mixture of double, triple and singles required?

Will the passengers require ground transportation between the hotel and airport? Would they like a transfer company, or to rent a number of vehicles to self-drive?

Please let us know if the passengers would like our assistance in booking their special day.

Understanding the passengers price range will assist in setting their expectation, and best available options. Do the customers have a price in mind? Have they been quoted by another agent/supplier?