All Saints Consent Form

By signing below, you are agreeing to the following;

I give permission for my child to attend group specified above
I give permission for the above information to be stored on computers for the purposes of creating registers and enabling group leaders and/or the church office to keep in touch with families who attend. 
In the unlikely event of illness or accident, I give permission for medical treatment to be given by a first aider. In an emerancy and if I am not contactable, I am willing for my child to receive hospital treatment, including anaesthetic or blood transfusions. I understand that every effort will be made to contact me as soon as possible.

In order to comply with GDPR regulations, all consent forms will be stored securely and information on them used only by All Saints staff in order to produce registers and contact parents about other activities they may be interested in. You can withdrew consent for us to contact you at any point. Forms will be kept for a maximum of 2 years